Lets Move to USA!

shared meal Kraków, Poland


I would love to invite you to my Home for a dinner which will be supported by integration board games in order to not only eat well but also meet new friends!

I used to live in Boston in an American community where I tried many great dishes. I will try to take you to USA!

About Kasia

Kocham jedzenie i podróże kulinarne. Mieszkałam w USA, Estonii i na Słowacji. Kocham gotowac poznawać nowych ludzi a moja praca zwiazana jest z ciągłymi podróżami gdzie poznaje smaki Europy i świata. Zapraszam do mojego domu!

Enquire now
$26 per person

Send Kasia a message to let them know you're interested!

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Kasia published a shared meal