
Eataway is an idea whose time has come. It is part of a larger cultural movement which seeks to replace impersonal corporate consumerism with a more d...

Eataway is an idea whose time has come. It is part of a larger cultural movement which seeks to replace impersonal corporate consumerism with a more direct connection between individuals in all their variety. Instead of collecting things, we collect experience. We understand that experience, not material goods is what truly makes us happy.

Eataway is not just a way of finding and sharing quality, home-cooked meals but also an experience of sharing ones self, ones home and ones culture with others. In a world talking about dividing people and building walls it presents a way of bringing people together and I am happy to be a cook for Eataway!


When it comes to food I love adventure and variety!

I love to travel as well and I say that if you want to understand a culture a great place to start is to taste its food and try its drinks - ideally with people who live there. There is wisdom in traditional cuisine, because it takes local, seasonal ingredients and turns them into meals appropriate for the local climate and culture.

Cooking is a passion for me and I would like to share it with you and hopefully provide for entertaining conversation as well. Eating is best enjoyed in good company after all!

I try to use only the freshest ingredients of the highest quality in my cooking in order to provide the best possible culinary experience.



Eataway je myšlienka, ktorej čas nastal. Je súčasťou širšieho kultúrneho hnutia, ktoré sa snaží zameniť neosobný korporátny konzumerizmus za priamejšie spojenie medzi jednotlivcami v celej ich rôznorodosti. Namiesto zbierania vecí zbierame zážitky, lebo rozumieme, že práve skúsenosti sú to, čo nám prináša šťastie a zároveň obmedzuje náš dopad na životné prostredie na minimum.

Eataway nie je len spôsob ako nájsť a zdieľať kvalitné, domáce jedlo, ale aj zážitok založený na zdieľaní - seba, svojho domova a svojej kultúry. Vo svete v ktorom ľudia rozprávajú o stavaní múrov nám Eataway prináša spôsob ako ľudí spájať a ja som rád, že môžem byť toho súčasťou!


Milujem dobrodružstvo a rôznorodosť v jedle!

Taktiež rád cestujem a myslím si, že keď chceš porozumieť niektorej kultúre, výborný začiatok je ochutnať jej jedlá a nápoje - najlepšie s miestnymi ľuďmi. Tradičná kuchyňa skrýva hlbokú múdrosť, lebo používa miestne a sezónne prísady a pretvára ich do pokrmov, ktoré sú vhodné pre miestne podnebie a kultúru.

Varenie je mi vášňou a rád by som sa o ňu s vami podelil a zároveň vám poskytol námety na zaujímavé rozhovory. Jedlo si predsa najlepšie vychutnáme v dobrej spoločnosti!

Pri svojom varení sa snažím využívať len tie najčerstvejšie a najkvalitnejšie potraviny, aby som poskytol čo najlepší kulinársky zažitok.

over 1 year ago

Where to find the best halušky in Bratislava? ... At Michal's place! A fantastic host, who made us feel very welcome in his home and showed us how the local dish was made. Each course was prepared with love and pride. Very knowledgeable and informative host, would love to eat/meet with Michal a...

Where to find the best halušky in Bratislava? ... At Michal's place! A fantastic host, who made us feel very welcome in his home and showed us how the local dish was made. Each course was prepared with love and pride. Very knowledgeable and informative host, would love to eat/meet with Michal again.

over 1 year ago

That an amazing evening! We enjoyed the food (especially "haluszki" and oh, the dessert! It was even batter than in a cafe). Michal was extremely friendly and he introduced us to his culure. If you are in Bratislava don't go to the restaurant, try this! :)

over 1 year ago

If you've been craving authentic Bryndzové Halušky (potato dumplings with sheep's cheese) then there's no better person than Michal to prepare it for you. My wife, a friend, and I were guests at Michal's flat recently, and we thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the visit: delicious...

If you've been craving authentic Bryndzové Halušky (potato dumplings with sheep's cheese) then there's no better person than Michal to prepare it for you. My wife, a friend, and I were guests at Michal's flat recently, and we thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the visit: delicious food (including a plum dumpling dessert, which was outstanding), local Slovakian beverages, excellent ambience and music selection, and last, but certainly not least, Michal himself. He's such an interesting person, and an engaging, accommodating host that it's an absolute pleasure spending time with him. He'll show you how to prepare proper Slovakian fare, fill you in on local history and cultural insights, tell plenty of delightful stories, and crack more than a joke or two with his razor-sharp wit -- in sum, he'll make you feel at home. All of us had a wonderful time, and found ourselves full and smiling as we bid Michal farewell.

over 1 year ago

Michal was an amazing host. we learnt a lot from that diner. We even tried back home the halusky recipe as he taugh us ! Great !

over 1 year ago

Michal's cooking is truly amazing. Not only is the food delicious, it is also extremely pleasing to the eye. The food tasted excellent and was without any flaws. Michal is truly an excellent host, especially if you are into boardgames, as he has plenty of them. I will definitely come back again...

Michal's cooking is truly amazing. Not only is the food delicious, it is also extremely pleasing to the eye. The food tasted excellent and was without any flaws. Michal is truly an excellent host, especially if you are into boardgames, as he has plenty of them. I will definitely come back again for more.

over 1 year ago

Michal, thank you very much for the journey through Pumpkin Paradise (with pumpkin beer :-))!

We really enjoyed the evening with you and the food was excellent. I hope to see you someday again....

over 1 year ago

Michal is an outstanding host, making you feel welcome and telling you about Slovakian culture and food. All four dishes were just delicious. Not only his Bryndzové halušky are the best you can have in town, but he also shows you how to make them. Last but not least, the atmosphere of the apartment...

Michal is an outstanding host, making you feel welcome and telling you about Slovakian culture and food. All four dishes were just delicious. Not only his Bryndzové halušky are the best you can have in town, but he also shows you how to make them. Last but not least, the atmosphere of the apartment is relaxing and Michal takes care of small details such as the playlist and the candles. Totally recommended.

over 1 year ago

Nice company and brilliant cook, what else can you ask?

It was our first experience with eataway so we didn't know what to expect, the service by Michal was welcoming and friendly and the choice of dishes and environment was very cool

Soul Kitchen Giusy
over 1 year ago

Michal is an amazing host and a great cook. I've been living in Bratislava for almost 2 years now, but I had never tasted such an amazing, properly cooked Slovak specialties, and I have to admit, best haluski ever! I think the secret of Michal's success is not only the fresh and genuine in...

Michal is an amazing host and a great cook. I've been living in Bratislava for almost 2 years now, but I had never tasted such an amazing, properly cooked Slovak specialties, and I have to admit, best haluski ever! I think the secret of Michal's success is not only the fresh and genuine ingredients he uses, but above all love and passion. He accompanied us through a journey into Slovak cousine and culture, showing how to make haluski, giving tips on where to buy the best bryndza, revealing some cooking secrets and sharing anecdotes and memories. We even happened to stroke Michal's chinchilla. Delicious food and delightful company, that was a lovely evening. Thanks a lot Michal!

over 1 year ago

This was the perfect introduction to both Eataway and traditional Slovak cuisine. Michal was a fantastic host who carefully explained each dish to us and even showed us how he prepared his delicious halušky. Highly recommended to all who find themselves in Bratislava- the great care Michal puts into...

This was the perfect introduction to both Eataway and traditional Slovak cuisine. Michal was a fantastic host who carefully explained each dish to us and even showed us how he prepared his delicious halušky. Highly recommended to all who find themselves in Bratislava- the great care Michal puts into preparing dishes and selecting the best quality ingredients mean that this will be better than any dining experience in a restaurant, and you will leave knowing much more about Slovak cuisine and culture.

over 1 year ago

We had our first Eataway experience with Michal and we had a wonderful evening. Michal is a great host and cook who likes to share his passion and chat about all sorts of subjects. His bryndzové halušky really are the best, way better than the ones we've tasted in restaurants before. The other...

We had our first Eataway experience with Michal and we had a wonderful evening. Michal is a great host and cook who likes to share his passion and chat about all sorts of subjects. His bryndzové halušky really are the best, way better than the ones we've tasted in restaurants before. The other courses of the dinner were just as delicious!